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Servicing the Bendix Hydrovac

(First Series)

21. Clean all parts of the Hydrovac thoroughly. Bendix Cleaner is recommended for cleaning metal parts. Use alcohol for cleaning hydraulic parts. Do not use gasoline, kerosene or Bendix Cleaner on rubber parts or on parts from the hydraulic system.

22. Inspect all parts for wear or damage. if the valve seats are slightly pitted or corroded, they may be cleaned with fine steel wool, Fig. 17.

Cleaing the valve with steel wool

23. Install a new diaphragm and new gaskets in the control valve. Clean all flange surfaces to insure an air tight fit. Compress the diaphragm spring and washer as shown in Fig. 18 to assemble link pins in the valve stems. Fig. 19 shows where the special washer will be on the pins in the lower body section when the diaphragm is in place.

24. Lubricate the internal linkage of the control valve with Bendix Cable Lubricant.

25. When assembling the control valve, be sure the by pass holes in the spacer plate, valve body, diaphragm and gasket all line up so that the passage is clear. See illustration Fig. 12.

26. While tightening the diaphragm screws, Fig. 20, hold the diaphragm down just enough to close the vacuum valve. This prevents buckling of the diaphragm between the screw holes.

27. If the hydraulic cylinder of the control valve is scored or pitted, the part should be replaced. It is not practicable to refinish this bore because of its small diameter and the unavoidable enlargement of the bore.

28. When assembling the control valve hydraulic cylinder and plunger. be particularly sure that all parts are clean and free from grit. Blow out all passages with compressed air and wipe the bore of the cylinder clean and dry with a cloth. Do not lay parts on the bare work bench where they may pick up dirt; place them on a clean paper.