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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:29 pm
by deadline

Vehicles will be posted for review. All comments will be moderated and must contain pertinent information. Posts like 'nice truck' will be deleted. If you do post, you MUST PROVIDE A REFERENCE. A page from a TM, SNL, wartime picture, SOMETHING to put the post into historical context. Attachments work fine.. so post pics/scan etc to back up your post.

Comments, both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE are welcomed. Again, references must be included or the post will not make it out of moderation.

Claims of Copyright: This forum falls under the Fair Use exemption of Copyright Law. If you think a picture is of your truck, or is your picture, call a lawyer and have them explain Fair Use to you. If you would like your information added to the post, please e-mail and it will be added.