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Reading the manga after the anime ends... pretty boring

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:55 pm
by pfarber
Well, I watched the beautify animated and great story called 'Land of the Lustrious' (Houseki no Kuni). I liked it so much, and the story was so good that I decided to find and read the manga. Luckily for me the manga is still in progress.

As a manga reading virgin I can say that manga sucks. Houseki no Kuni is published every month and the story is really nothing like the anime. I mean they are connected and the timeline flows from one to the other, but it seems that manga author really doesn't have the plot down. And with at least a month (sometimes two if they choose to publish a 'one shot' of an unrelated nature) between chapters (a chapter can be a few pages or a few dozen, not sure how they determine this) its hard to keep things straight in my mind. Then take into account the translation (done by volunteers, thank's to all the manga translation volunteers of the world!) the manga doesn't seem to have the same level of polish that the anime does. Add to that the illustrations can vary from a full color cover art, then quickly return to black/white line drawings of dubious quality.

Maybe I picked the wrong manga, well I did read a few others, I read the Haruhi manga and also all the Angel Beats manga, but they were much different that Houseki no Kuni in popularity. Anything Haruhi is instant gold. And Angel Beats had the whole LiSa thing going for it. So they were really not the norm.

I'll keep reading, just to see what happens.. but at one issue a month it could be years before it ends. I don't know if they author has that kind of staying power.