Ok, I got an NOS (yes, I held the package in my hands and read the parts tag... kicking myself for not having my camera) brass data plate (the shift plate for a CCKW with winch.
I've tried to explain for years (as well as the infamous Mr. Sunderlin) that brass plates never made it on the CCKW and here I will document it using data plates. Some (the especially the CCKW 60 year 'guru' have said these are wartime issue) have said these are wartime plates. The package I had in my hands did not have a date.
So, the brass plate, its scanned at 300dpi 24bit color.. its a very good capture.
Here's the same plate from the 44 TM9-801 (its the same in 43 TM9, 43 TM10-1563, 42 TM10-1269)
The comparison with the TM9 plate should be enough to prove that they are nowhere near the same.
Well, what the biggest tells other than the layout, wording and graphics? THE FONT.
The font used in almost every data plate that can be PROVEN to be installed in a CCKW is very specific... especially the E, R and Ms.
So... doubters of the zinc only data plates.... tell me how these brass data plates can *possibly* be wartime production????