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WWII reenacting... its gotten worse??

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:41 pm
by pfarber
Well, had some down time so I would look up some of the old units/forums that I would fall in with to see whats up... seeing that I haven't done any serious reenacting for about 2 years.

Sadly, the bullshit is still as bullshitty and stinky as ever. I admit they are pet peeves, but its 2015, the hobby is judged by modern standards.

First, web sites are still shit. Sure, there are some good ones, but all in all if you want to find a unit get ready for 2-5 year old sites. When your 'recent events' page stops at 2011what kind of an impression does that leave? new members are going to rush in when a simple web site is not updated? Methinks not.

Second, still lots of chiefs and no Indians. One unit listed 6 members, 2 Captains, a Command M/Sgt, two S/Sgt and a T5. This was for a SERVICE COMPANY!!!! Maybe a Lt, a M/Sgt and the rest T/Sgts.. yeah, TO&E's... USE THEM!!

Third.. German units STILL think that soldaten had top tier gear and ONLY THE BEST OF THE BEST would do. HAHAHAHAHA By 1943/44 clothing was recycled and made of low end fabric. Gone were top grade cow hide.... pigskin was common. Mixed match uniforms (color mis-matched) and recycled fabric means that the 1939/1940's smartly dressed landser was replaced by a rayon and paste button quilt of a uniform. JUST DON'T TELL THAT TO A GERMAN REENACTOR!!! ONLY THE BEST FOR FATHERLAND! hahahahaha If the WWII German Army was kitted half as good as the reenactors are they would have won the war.

I guess my biggest surprise is that units, even those clinging on to the last 2-4 members REQUIRE attendance at events. Yeah.. tell that to my hot new wife. 'I can't stay home and cut the grass, dear.. my fake WWII Army leader requires that I show up every other weekend to listen to how much he thinks he knows about WWII'. Yeah.... sure. Then on top of that ask me to pay DUES?!! What the actual Fuck, Francis???

All said and done.. I'd like to re-join a unit... but the odds of me finding a unit without all the bullshit are slim to none.. and slim wasn't allowed to take the field because his en-bloc clips were not all Springfield Army stamped. No sojer would ever fight the krauts with mix-matched en-bloc clips. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: WWII reenacting... its gotten worse??

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:31 pm
by retro-roco

I think it would be great if you would hook up with a unit, and help them work through their issues. Let me give you a little info from my perspective. :?

For the record, I agree with nearly everything you said (or even everything?). That said, the recent economy has been devastating on the hobby. The numbers have dropped dramatically, leaving many units to consolidate if they hope to survive at all. While all of the things you mention would help, there is a real vacuum in our hobby of people (at least in significant numbers) of people with the skills create a website that is any more than the very basic stuff. Most groups (including mine) are very limited by funds, and what is available isn't being used to pay for a website.

This is a hobby, and run almost entirely by volunteers. Our unit doesn't even charge annual dues. We pay annuals dues to our "parent organization", but nothing for our own group. Hence there is no budget for websites, group purchases, etc. Actually typing this has given me an idea that I'm going to propose to our parent organization for a way they could help member groups like ours...

If you have website or other skills, please step up to the plate and offer them to the hobby. We need ll the help and direction we can get!

BTW, the notion of "mandatory attendance" is one of the most ridiculous ideas I've ever heard!

Re: WWII reenacting... its gotten worse??

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:19 pm
by pfarber
Back in 2005-2008 I was pretty active... like one event a month active... and in three years I went through three units for the usual reasons: lack of flexibility on impressions (ahh.. the good old authenticity debates), everyone wants to be Capt. Winters (aka all Chiefs, no Indians) or simply not communicating (can't attend a mandatory event if you don't tell me where it is).

I offered to make each unit a web site, and pay for the hosting/domain... they never wanted to give up control of the current site to allow me to even log is as an admin... like I would steal the domain name or something.
I offered to set up a yahoo group and maintain it for better comms... well, the unit leader doesn't like to give out his email address, because hackers and viruses, so it was not done.
I offered to help set up events and do the behind the scenes grunt work that so many bitch about... but only THEY knew how to do it, the right way.
People complained about the cost of blanks.. I offered to run a blank making weekend at one of the weekend meetings..... 100 blanks for like $5 if they had brass. $10/100 if they didn't. No one put up any money to make it happen (I wasn't going to buy components and hope for the money).
Was willing to use my jeep and run 'motorpool weekends' going over maintenance and driving (esp at night!) but was shot down because the other jeep owner didn't want his 'jeep to be taken apart' (are MD Juan jeeps with CJ3 motors that valuable???)

So yeah... been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

As for money/funds... events are nice, but 'training weekends' are more fun and much cheaper (as long as people didn't dump $50 in beer/snacks to eat after an event).

It'd be nice to get back into a unit... but it's gotta be more than just falling in at an event... I want more out of the hobby than just busting caps (which is fun, btw).