So I have one of the old blue and red HF parts washer. Its a good deal but like many I burnt out the pump using solvents to clean rather than water based. Since 2017 is "Year of the G506" cause shits been in my garage for way to long I decided to fix it. It needs a new pump. Well, I actually threw the pump away (I think) so I need the whole assembly.. housing, hose, pump, switch etc. So I find out that Grizzly sells the parts and are much closer than HF's CA parts dept. So I add up the parts:
Well fuck me.. an entire new unit from HF ($93 less 20% + tax) $79.70
And in both cases the pump STILL isn't solvent cleaner capable:
Clean with water or household detergents? Like Dawn? Unless you get some hot water in there dish soap ain't cleaning shit. And purple power and the lot of Eco-freindly cleaners are just as useless.
It seems that Mineral Spirits is the ticket... I had used kerosene in my other pump and that's what probably killed it. We'll see. Even if I buy a solvent capable pump I don't have a housing or hose to put it in... so starting off with a new tank, while destined to end poorly, may last long enough to get the work done. Next up will have to be a "Little Giant' pump... those are $50-ish.