So I just ordered MORE items off Amazon. 32 items in the last 6 months (that's about 10 orders total average of 3 items each... average price about $50).
The only reason I have even gone into a local store was for clothes/shoes (and they were mostly for my fiancee), dog food, and building material (if Amazon ever figures out how to sell oak at a good price I'll be golden).
My last order was for a kit to make soymilk (that is some good stuff.. supermarket charges $4 for a half-gallon vs $0.80 a gallon if you make it yourself) it made sense to start making it at home. I didn't get a soymilk maker, but I did get a blender, soybeans, a glass pitcher and cheesecloth for $54. Even if there were local shops that had all that stuff I would have to drive all over creation to collect and compare prices and specs.. plus I would have to rely on a salesperson's advice on the product... how many local shops/stores would even know HOW to make soymilk???
With Amazon all the items are there, priced well, reviewed and easy to compare.
If TSC ever got free shipping on their 4Health dog food under control (its $15 to ship a 30lb bag to my home... TSC are you even trying to earn my business???) I would be set.
Although I do miss the hilarity of people that go to Walmart. Sometimes the circus folk that shop there are worth the drive there alone.