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Some can't stand the close inspection.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:52 pm
by pfarber
It seems that long time poster of inane tidbits RANGER/Joel Gopan/Ben Dover/???? has quit posting to a forum that I also I also used to post to.

It seems that once asked to 1. justify his post 2. prove that the part is what he says it is and 3. admit that he's wrong the pain was unbearable. So he cursed a lot, deleted most of the posts that showed he was wrong, and 'quit'.

He said it was my fault. My fault that I asked him to prove why HIS information contradicted EVERY TM on the CCKW since 1941.

I've been wrong. Lots of times. I admit it and move on. Its what MATURE people do. They don't cuss, delete posts and blame someone else. If you want respect you earn it. It is not thrust upon you because you THINK you deserve it. Unfortunately RANGER/Joel Gopan/Ben Dover/???? did not and does not understand that simple concept. I don't care if you served, I care if you know what you are talking about. And when you don't either man up about it or convince me that you do.

As to not piss off the other CCKW owners I've 'resigned' from that board. No need to ruffle feathers if the kid with the toys is crying that I took his favorite action figure. Its better to let them be.

He's welcome here. I have no grudges against anyone.

Re: Some can't stand the close inspection.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:12 pm
by pfarber
This is great.. really funny stuff.

Guys with like 5 posts are complaining becuase of the discussions that I had on other boards. 'I thought we were supposed to talk about CCKWs'.

HEY RETARD... I WAS. YOU WERE NOT. These lurkers wonder why people who do research and take the time to post are so prolific. BECAUSE I WAS INVOLVED. YOU WERE NOT. I must have posted more information in on thread on CCKWs and refueling than ever.

Yet they piss and moan about 'the same old topic'.

If you and RANGER know it all, then post the info and prove to me what I am disputing. NONE OF THEM EVER DID. Why? Are they afraid that their CCKW knowledge would be shaken with a new revelation that *GASP* THEY ARE WRONG?

The hobby NEED topics to be beaten to death so NO STONE IS LEFT UN TURNED.

Having one guy say 'This is it' (no, not me) and all the lemmings agree is NOT advancing the hobby.

Re: Some can't stand the close inspection.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:26 pm
by pfarber

In order to cover his tracks RANGER is DELETING every post he made when I replied to his 'words of wisdom'.

Wow, talk about not being able to be objective when asked a question.

So, I guess we'll never know why the CCKW carbs have sight plugs on the bowl, the reason why there are no passenger side mirrors and the real reason why CCKWs had the fuel tanks fitted with 'large mouth' fillers and worst of all the correct paint color of wooden steering wheels.

Well, I know, but I guess posting QM reports, citing the TMs/SNLs and period pictures is not proof enough.

What worse is that people are going to still believe him when posts his wrong information or sells his wrong parts.

He may be a smart guy, but he's hiding it pretty well.

Re: Some can't stand the close inspection.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:23 pm
by pfarber
I guess this is self defeating to call out the people who complain when a discussion is deeper than 2 posts.

One guy says he didn't post becuase he didn't want to get into an argument about his posts.

Well, if your information is questionable (like what type of oil you should use on your wooden steering wheel) then you need to be told, with references and pictures, that they are painted. No oil should ever tough them. And if you reply with drivel like 'I like the way it looks in natural wood' then maybe we are better off if you DON'T post.

If you want to believe that modern 20 micron paper filters are LESS EFFICIENT that old brass strainers then take your meds and post away.

It guess if you would rather be in la la land instead of restore your truck to wartime trim then I am a mean, bad man who takes candy from small children.

So go ahead and put that GMC logo grill on your 44 352 dump truck (hint there never were any). :roll: :lol: :roll: