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Cost of a CCKW-353?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:57 am
by pfarber
Well, it seems that the Army printed this little gem in a training book in 1951 (yeah, its hard to read)


$2847 by my read.

Considering the book was pretty good at other vehicle costs:
1/4 ton recon veh (aka jeep) $1051
M38 $2689(!)

And curiously enough the CCKW-352: $3517 (it is REALLY hard to read... but the first number is a 3.

Re: Cost of a CCKW-353?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:03 am
by pfarber
The manual also lists: (best guess... hard to see)

1/4ton trailer: $206

1 Ton ben hur (steel) $332