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Your Name (Movie)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:09 am
by pfarber
Well I did it. I went and saw an anime in a theater. Well, to be honest it's one of the highest grossing anime made, so I figured that it would be a safe bet to dump $40 on to see.

First, FUCK AMC theaters. FUCK THEM SIDEWAYS. The movie was advertised to start at 8:45. 9:05 and were STILL sitting through shitty ads. The local Regal and Pearl cinema's start on time so I know it can be done.

So 9:10 the lights finally dim and we get movie.

Its 1:45 long so ample time to develop and tell the story. And holy smokes did they get it right. This wasn't your typical meandering plot hole riddled no ending anime meant to sell manga.. this was an honest to goodness melodrama with characters, humor, a plot and even a protagonist (of sorts). The voice overs were A-MAZING and the sound overall was A+. The music was ok.. it suited the mood and set the proper tone when needed but there were few moments when the music was in the forefront. But man was the sound and voice acting great.

'Your Name' should get at least 2-3 awards for the shrine ceremony alone. Beautifully animated and the sounds of the kimono can be heard as they and perform the ceremony... I could watch the scene alone and still feel I go my $10 worth.

Evidently the US distribution is small so you may have a hard time finding it.. I had to drive over an hour to a theater that had it (did I mention FUCK YOU AMC cinemas???) but honestly its worth the trip.

Great movie. Worth the effort to see. And the hype is justified.