It was only a matter of time before the Post Whore in Chief makes yet ANOTHER dumb comment:
"Best to be safe with new Oil Lines as it is no fun changing the CCKW Fuel Pump or the Oil Lines. "
Really? A fuel pump is 2 bolts and 2 hoses easily reachable once the side panel (approx 10 bolts depending if the previous guy bother to put them all back on) is off. The oil line is all of 8 inches long and is less than 10 inches from the fuel pump (hint its easy to do). Bonus: The oil lines drain empty when the engine is stopped, so you won't even spill a drop of oil.
"Be sure to use a 3/8" Copper gasket "
BZZZT. GM PN 115308 Washer, flat copper 5/16in (yeah.. its called an SNL-G-508.. they are rare )
"Using the Long Bolt on the small 2 Valve Pump can result in the threaded end contacting the Camshaft."
I'm gonna throw the BS flag. There is about an inch from the inside of the block casting to the camshaft. I'll wait while everyone runs out to look
I don't think bendy me over has ever actually changed a fuel pump on a CCKW.