Here is the 'family' of baffles. There are two others, the are small triangle shaped on the radiator support cross member. I have a photo but my camera batteries died... will post them after a charge.
Yes, the lower front radiator baffle is mangled, but I have another one on another truck.
- rs_DSCN0335.jpg (71.71 KiB) Viewed 80884 times
They are in their proper relative positions. The CCKW also has baffles, but not like these (as far as I can tell).
I got a Mountain Cur and a ~~pitbull~~ big loveable cuddle puppy and a Brown Husky aka 'Golden Dragon'
RIP Kimber 5/26/2022
RIP Yeager 1/3/2019
RIP TJ 3/25/2014
RIP Sugar Bear 8/29/2014
RIP Shilo 4/10/2015
RIP Yuki 2/19/2017