House on the next block is for sale ... source=web
$115k? No fracking way.
If you look at photo #12, my garage is RIGHT BEHIND the pine tree on the left. You can kinda see the white door.
All the photo's seem to not include the G506 I have parked out back. No mention of my loud ass CoonHound either. Oh and the neighbor behind them is kind of 'uptight'. And the neighbor to the right of him raises 'show chickens'. Hope you like the sound of fracking chickens/roosters. Oh, and Universal Forest Products is two blocks away. Its a large saw mill that makes roof trusses. The trucks constantly drive McKnight St to get to the plant. So yeah, 18 wheelers all the time. And when the mouth breathers that work there get out they drive like, well, mouth breathers speeding out of town.
So come on down to Gordon PA!!!!